Tuesday, April 19, 2011



Look at your closest 10 friends. Rate them by what they do for a living, how much service they give to others, the correctness and cleanliness of their language, and their level of commitment to you personally as a great friend. Can you call them at midnight to help you, should your car break down, need gasoline, or have a flat tire? Would you consider their advice on questions you may have, or not? Would anyone but your mother wonder where you are if you didn’t come home at night? Marlene Dietrick stated: "It's the friends you can call up at 4am that matter."

Next, ask yourself, would your daughter be safe on a date with their son? Would your son treat their daughter with respect? Do your friends fight among themselves or are they educated enough to discuss calmly any differences? To have a friend your must be a friend. A true friend accepts you for who you are inside: your qualities, your life experience, your personality, your ability to care and love others outside yourself. For you to be a true friend you must have these same qualities.

What monetary level are they in? What educational level do they have? What have they achieved in the last 10-20 years? Do they give back from their abundance? Do they know you and accept you as their friend, too?

Here are a few quotes:
"A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend is worth more."
- Sent by Jasmine Fitzwilliam
"Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."
- Sent by Dior Yamasaki
"The better part of one's life consists of his friendships." Abraham Lincoln
"Sometimes you pick your friends, sometimes they pick you."
- Sent by Steve Klaka
"No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever." - Francois Mocuriac

We at Allchristie International, invite you to build friendships that restore you to good health and build confidence. We want to be part of your friends.
We are here for you. Good friends bring better health to your life!
Bon Jovi put it this way, “The road ahead is as long as you make it, but, make it worth the trip.” Allchristie 801 565-8515



Our air has pollutants, our water has impurities, our soils for growing are depleted, and our world is full of corruption, crime, mutilation, and extinction. Where can we turn for peace and protection from desolation and destruction?

Wellness comes from our taking care of our bodies by providing home-grown foods, exercise in moderation, and clean, pure water. Our relationship with our Heavenly Father (our Highest Power) brings peace within our mind and body for good.

The Plan - Every two weeks plan your eating schedule into units and make a list of what foods you need to produce your meals. Next, check your home food supply and garden to determined what is still needed to complete your meals. Plan your –twice a month- visit to the food market. This will save you time and money. If you have a large freezer, you can also cook one-day-a-week and freeze your meals for later delivery. What a time saver!

Exercise - The above schedule and production will give you extra time for exercise, walking in the sunshine, or aerobics’ at home. Thirty minutes a day minimum will give you great health improvements. Adding weights (small pounds at first and work upward) will give you added muscle strength. Science has informed us that we loose muscle strength from age 40 onwards and to prevent this we must build our muscle strength through constant exercise achievements.

Water – I suggest Kangen High Ph water filtration. I can set-you up with information on how to order for your home or office.

Gardening – A raised square-foot garden is the easiest to keep free of weeds and easiest for rotation planting. Plant your back yard, you can even plant in your front or side yard. If you have no yard, at lease use pots, hanging planters, with water spray or mists on your porch or deck. Produce grown in properly mineralized soils will produce food that sustains your life.

Air - Use an air filter inside your home to clean your environment. I can provide you with details on the best air filter I have found through research.

Your Higher Power - It’s your life and we only get ‘one’. Take care of what you have before you loose it. Stay close to your spiritual life and bring peace and harmony to your home. Select friends, neighbors, and family to assist in your maintaining good health and peace. Pray often for self, family, and friends.

Contact me with your interest in the equipment to raise the level of health in your home. Allchristie International 801 565-8515