Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Living Well Into A Great Old Age
I hear so many older people say, I don’t want to make 80 or 90 years of age. They issue a statement as, “I’ve lived long enough and I don’t want to live unhealthy any longer.” “I don’t want to be a burden to my children.” “I don’t want to raise my family in this terribly wicked world”.
Stop the do-not's and start the do’s. I WANT to live healthy and intelligent for as many years as God as assigned to me. I have lots of good work to do, lots of places to see, lots to learn, and lots to be or become for me and my family.
WOW! I am floored by their giving up the abundant life, the joyful blessings that we are promised in the scriptures. OK, maybe you aren’t into daily prayer and reading your scriptures for blessings. It wouldn’t hurt!
If one-in-four people in the US have stopped believing in tomorrow and therefore do not take care of themselves today…it might easily be said that they won’t live much longer, or they will worry themselves sick and die.
The news is full of good tidings about a longer life style. Newsmen report: with all the research in health care, drugs and surgery, we should reach the age of 125 years, easily. A simple plan like daily walking, fresh whole foods, proper breathing for our lungs and heart, and muscle strengthening with some aerobic exercise to maintain a flexible body. These will give us all we need for our health, except continuing education to increase intelligence. Our thoughts maintain the level of our life - raise them up.
I went to a fair last winter and met a young man who was touting deep breathing. He said when your body gets proper clean air to enlarge your lungs through deep breathing exercises, you become healthier.
The next booth was a food booth with lots of dried foods to sample. Their claim was to balance your diet with foods that you can’t grow in your garden in our colder climate. What a great idea. Add fresh high Ph water to restore health and use these dried items in meal planning to enjoy fresh garden quality foods in the dead of winter. All those melons, berries, pineapple, bananas, citrus fruits, nuts, vegetables and herbs that we need for variety in our diets, right out of the #10 can on our shelves. American innovation, creation and industry are applauded. Studies show the Mediterranean diet is good for health.
Following those two booths were the exercise equipment booth and the massage booth. I believe in both for good health. A massage a week relieves the body of stress, tight painful muscles from exercise and any toxins. I also believe in using Synergy’s ProArgi9 drink daily. It heals the arteries and provides nutrients for excellent health. Yes, I sell it. Just ask.
With high beliefs and real follow through we can all live healthier lives and have internal and external happiness to enjoy all of life’s pleasures. Start by changing your mind to change your lifestyle. Next, change your archaic ideas about ‘live fast and die young – to leave a beautiful memory’. There is too much out there to enjoy in life to cut it short. Live, love, laugh & enjoy the life you've been given.
Long, healthy life will give you the most intrinsic variety of beautiful memories. When you look in the mirror and see wrinkles – smile. If you see a muscle sagging, work on tightening it up. No one looks like the air-brushed models shown on our magazine covers. If you saw them, waking up in the morning, you would get over it! We are all beautiful! Say this out loud as you look in the mirror. When you body is fit and your mind is expanded by knowledge, you will have plenty of admirers.
Growing old is a blessing. Find your life’s purpose, enjoy your work, change any negative opinions, read more, study more, take that walk in the fresh air, spend time exercising and taking time with friends. Have fun!
Expect to stay healthy and vital. Expect to wake up smiling at age 125 with a body that is beautiful and ageless. It is all in your mind and in your own living habits. OK, it IS all up to YOU! Have some fun today and smile!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Uplift Your Internal Conscious Mind Messages - Repeat Daily
Watch the Language Out of Your Mouth - You're What you Say You Are.
--Say these Outloud-- YES, every day ---
It takes 28 days to change a habit!
I am creating my life the way I want it
I am gratitude, each day is a new start
I am forgiven, by all, for past events
I am respected and valued
I am creating a good future
I am achieving, I keep my dreams and goals
I am trusting myself, I accept myself
I am perfect just as God created me
I am blessed, I have many friends
I am a divine spirit
I am protected, I belong
I am free, my heart is open
I am wonderful, I am equal - an individual
I am abundant in money
I am responsibility, I am teachable
I am pleased with my success
I am all that I want to be
I am thanking God, I am blessed
I am safe and secure, I am integrity
I am stress free, I am glad to be alive
I am true to myself, I understand myself
I am slim and trim, My body burns fat
I am beautiful, I resolve problems easily
I am alble to have fun, I am playful
I am glad to be alive, I am grateful
I take care of myself, I am OK, you are OK
I have 40 more of these. When you are ready...comment
Watch the Language Out of Your Mouth - You're What you Say You Are.
--Say these Outloud-- YES, every day ---
It takes 28 days to change a habit!
I am creating my life the way I want it
I am gratitude, each day is a new start
I am forgiven, by all, for past events
I am respected and valued
I am creating a good future
I am achieving, I keep my dreams and goals
I am trusting myself, I accept myself
I am perfect just as God created me
I am blessed, I have many friends
I am a divine spirit
I am protected, I belong
I am free, my heart is open
I am wonderful, I am equal - an individual
I am abundant in money
I am responsibility, I am teachable
I am pleased with my success
I am all that I want to be
I am thanking God, I am blessed
I am safe and secure, I am integrity
I am stress free, I am glad to be alive
I am true to myself, I understand myself
I am slim and trim, My body burns fat
I am beautiful, I resolve problems easily
I am alble to have fun, I am playful
I am glad to be alive, I am grateful
I take care of myself, I am OK, you are OK
I have 40 more of these. When you are ready...comment
Are You Living In A Future That Never Comes?
The grammar may be incorrect, but I think you know the meaning.
Enjoy the quotes!
Yesterday, I brought out a set of pillow cases that I had never opened. I had purchased them, on a whim, years ago to show the one I loved that I had in my mind thousand of kisses that I would give him – for we were engaged to be married. We married and I never opened the package, because I already had pillow cases that were nearly new on the bed. I thought we should use these new ones when the others wear out. What a silly idea!
When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. ~Alexander Graham Bell
I heard again, the old saying to stop living for a future that may never come.
When I am anxious it is because I am living in the future. When I am depressed it is because I am living in the past. ~ Unknown
I thought long and hard about all the things that I do – for some future day – when everything will be perfect and just the way I dreamed they would be. Well, that day has still not arrived. Life is not perfect and life is not fair.
We are always getting ready to live but never living. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
The ideas I had and still have are great ideas. They bring a smile on my face. I want to live in that dream world. Then, I would feel like dancing under a wave of bright colors and a blue sky. Why don’t I just dance now, whether the atmosphere is good or unhappy? I have all this love and joy stored in my mind and heart; I need to bring it all out into the present.
Life lived for tomorrow will always be just a day away from being realized. ~Leo Buscaglia
The saying goes: Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, and today is the present – live in it, it is a gift to you.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present. ~Babatunde Olatunji
So, I brought out the pillowcases with the bright pink kisses on them. Yes, I was feeling silly, since I am older and I no longer need romance to be lighted with items I purchased -- to bring it forth. I can feel the joy of love just by looking at my husband and giving him a big kiss--myself. Although the pillow cases bring back early thought of love toward another, I can now enjoy those early thoughts again and again by sleeping on kisses of cloth with a smile on my face. Sort of, bringing back my youth.
Pile up too many tomorrows and you'll find that you've collected nothing but a bunch of empty yesterdays. ~The Music Man
I learned my lesson from that wise saying, the one who spoke the truth of life. Live it today, for your tomorrow may never come.
Nothing is worth more than this day. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I will now bring new dishes out of the cupboard and use the good silverware even for hamburger night. All those special, long saved, items and ideas that I had so long ago – well, out they come. The tablecloths, the nick-knacks for the good housekeeping look in the magazines, yes, all of it.
The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time. ~Abraham Lincoln
I visited a woman who no longer had her spouse. She had lots of beautiful things displayed in her home. I commented about how beautiful everything was. Her reply was, yes, I got them out after he died and never put them away again. I’m now enjoying the living experience, with these precious things, that I wanted to share with him when he was alive. I have given away all those items that I was using until they wore out, like he wore out. I feel saddened and a little stupid for thinking life would go on and on, for the time to use all these nice things. She stated, “Never let your life imprison the excitement of living your dreams free.” “We only get one chance at this life.” “Live it well, truthful, peaceful, spiritual, and live it all, until you use it up!” “Paint if you will some day, cruise if you planned it, take that class at college that you wished you had, get that degree, make your promises real, and live with passion and creativity.” She had a tear fall from her eyes.
No man is rich enough to buy back his past. ~Oscar Wilde
I thanked her for her kind and valuable words to live by. I will never forget her – because she shared her love of life with me. I am now changing my life. I feel fantastic and free from those sayings: ‘maybe latter, “not now or not yet”. Out come the nice things. All around me are those saved things and ideas that will bring happiness and bright living with love to me and my family. I feel free and alive, at last. Now it’s your turn! Carpe Diem!
“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.” ~Horace
Enjoy the quotes!
Yesterday, I brought out a set of pillow cases that I had never opened. I had purchased them, on a whim, years ago to show the one I loved that I had in my mind thousand of kisses that I would give him – for we were engaged to be married. We married and I never opened the package, because I already had pillow cases that were nearly new on the bed. I thought we should use these new ones when the others wear out. What a silly idea!
When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. ~Alexander Graham Bell
I heard again, the old saying to stop living for a future that may never come.
When I am anxious it is because I am living in the future. When I am depressed it is because I am living in the past. ~ Unknown
I thought long and hard about all the things that I do – for some future day – when everything will be perfect and just the way I dreamed they would be. Well, that day has still not arrived. Life is not perfect and life is not fair.
We are always getting ready to live but never living. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
The ideas I had and still have are great ideas. They bring a smile on my face. I want to live in that dream world. Then, I would feel like dancing under a wave of bright colors and a blue sky. Why don’t I just dance now, whether the atmosphere is good or unhappy? I have all this love and joy stored in my mind and heart; I need to bring it all out into the present.
Life lived for tomorrow will always be just a day away from being realized. ~Leo Buscaglia
The saying goes: Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, and today is the present – live in it, it is a gift to you.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present. ~Babatunde Olatunji
So, I brought out the pillowcases with the bright pink kisses on them. Yes, I was feeling silly, since I am older and I no longer need romance to be lighted with items I purchased -- to bring it forth. I can feel the joy of love just by looking at my husband and giving him a big kiss--myself. Although the pillow cases bring back early thought of love toward another, I can now enjoy those early thoughts again and again by sleeping on kisses of cloth with a smile on my face. Sort of, bringing back my youth.
Pile up too many tomorrows and you'll find that you've collected nothing but a bunch of empty yesterdays. ~The Music Man
I learned my lesson from that wise saying, the one who spoke the truth of life. Live it today, for your tomorrow may never come.
Nothing is worth more than this day. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I will now bring new dishes out of the cupboard and use the good silverware even for hamburger night. All those special, long saved, items and ideas that I had so long ago – well, out they come. The tablecloths, the nick-knacks for the good housekeeping look in the magazines, yes, all of it.
The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time. ~Abraham Lincoln
I visited a woman who no longer had her spouse. She had lots of beautiful things displayed in her home. I commented about how beautiful everything was. Her reply was, yes, I got them out after he died and never put them away again. I’m now enjoying the living experience, with these precious things, that I wanted to share with him when he was alive. I have given away all those items that I was using until they wore out, like he wore out. I feel saddened and a little stupid for thinking life would go on and on, for the time to use all these nice things. She stated, “Never let your life imprison the excitement of living your dreams free.” “We only get one chance at this life.” “Live it well, truthful, peaceful, spiritual, and live it all, until you use it up!” “Paint if you will some day, cruise if you planned it, take that class at college that you wished you had, get that degree, make your promises real, and live with passion and creativity.” She had a tear fall from her eyes.
No man is rich enough to buy back his past. ~Oscar Wilde
I thanked her for her kind and valuable words to live by. I will never forget her – because she shared her love of life with me. I am now changing my life. I feel fantastic and free from those sayings: ‘maybe latter, “not now or not yet”. Out come the nice things. All around me are those saved things and ideas that will bring happiness and bright living with love to me and my family. I feel free and alive, at last. Now it’s your turn! Carpe Diem!
“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.” ~Horace
Friday, September 17, 2010
Brain Power and Energy
Five nutrients that give you back your brain power and energy
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) and Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
These are the antioxidants with strength to heal and energize.
Great for free radical fighting power and for reversing age-related decline in building youthful vitality – the get up and go energy we all need today.
What about Ginko-Biloba? Right off the label of Ginko Biloba is the following ingredients:
24% Ginkogoflavonglycosides and min. 6% of Terpene Lactones, including Ginkgolide B and Ginkolides A, C and Bilobalide in a vegetarian formula.
I find I remember better when taking 1 capsule per day of 120 mg.
Rhodiola Rosea is the 100 year old endurance secret. It is said to be the answer to higher stamina and better physical performance.
Ginseng boosts the body’s energy reserves by improving the resistance to physical stress.
Rhodiola goes miles further, by effecting the neurotransmitters responsible for regulating energy, drive, and mood. It also improves endurance, muscle function and benefits other systems in the body.
An example would be being able to work in stressful environments without fatigue, irritability, and distractibility.
I’ll write more on these – later.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) and Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
These are the antioxidants with strength to heal and energize.
Great for free radical fighting power and for reversing age-related decline in building youthful vitality – the get up and go energy we all need today.
What about Ginko-Biloba? Right off the label of Ginko Biloba is the following ingredients:
24% Ginkogoflavonglycosides and min. 6% of Terpene Lactones, including Ginkgolide B and Ginkolides A, C and Bilobalide in a vegetarian formula.
I find I remember better when taking 1 capsule per day of 120 mg.
Rhodiola Rosea is the 100 year old endurance secret. It is said to be the answer to higher stamina and better physical performance.
Ginseng boosts the body’s energy reserves by improving the resistance to physical stress.
Rhodiola goes miles further, by effecting the neurotransmitters responsible for regulating energy, drive, and mood. It also improves endurance, muscle function and benefits other systems in the body.
An example would be being able to work in stressful environments without fatigue, irritability, and distractibility.
I’ll write more on these – later.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Health and Life Choices
Massage Therapy. Reiki Master, Energy Healer with Solutions for Your Best Health. Read on...
Theraputic Massage
At Allchristie Massage, body work to relieve your muscle strains, knots, trigger points, and other maladies are identified, worked, and released. The session is closed with relaxation, inspiring music and essential oils.
Many people think of massage as a luxury. In hard economic times some will choose to spend on other things, while tolerating their stiffness and pains. However, massage is much more than simple relaxation.
Massage is believed to be one of the oldest forms of medical care, dating back to the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. Its vital role in health care was universal. In 2700 BC, a Chinese book of internal medicine recommended "the massage of skin and flesh". More than two thousand years later, Hippocrates - the father of modern medicine wrote "the physician must be acquainted with many things and assuredly with rubbing".
Body work is a general term for manual techniques that involve touch, movements, and stretching. These are used to promote health and healing. Massage is described today as the manipulation of soft tissue, muscles, skin, and acupressure points - using fingertips, hands, elbows, forearms... some use feet and fists.
The benefits of massage are endless. Here are a few of the effects: Decreased pain, reduced muscle soreness, improving range of motion, relieving migraine pain, boosting immune systems, relieving back pain, promoting tissue regeneration, reducing anxiety and stress, decreasing carpal tunnel or tennis elbow symptoms, easing labor pain and stress, treating cancer-related fatigue and numerous other benefits.
A quarter of all American adults have received at least one massage in the past twelve months. This number continues to grow as more and more people discover the benefits of massage, both for relaxation, rehabilitation and rejuvenation. Massage generates good health. Feeling good puts that smile on your face.
Although no two massages are alike, there are some things that are universal. Sessions generally take place in a quiet, comfortable room, with music, and low lighting. Aromatherapy oils are in the air. You will be asked questions about your health, injuries or medical condition. You will fill out paperwork with your answers, including personal identifying information as your birth date, phone number and address.
When you find yourself uncomfortable with strains or pains, Call for your appointment
Sandy, Utah 801 565-8515
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